Speaking out, and the need for more

Dear friends and neighbors,

WBNA stands with Black Lives Matter. We are outraged at the senseless and unlawful killing of yet another black American, George Floyd, and we affirm the deep grief of our black community members. We stand in solidarity with protesters who are railing against the racism and white supremacy that is older than our nation. But we know we must do more.

As a neighborhood association in Providence for over 37 years, WBNA is committed to examining our history, our legacy, and how we can do better to fight white supremacy. We recommit to bringing a lens of equity and anti-racism to our work, advocacy, and actions. We must listen, learn, and do better.

In the immediate moment, we encourage neighbors to support black organizations, businesses, and communities in any way they can. Please also donate to local social justice organizations and efforts such as AMORDirect Action for Rights & Equality (DARE), PrYSM, and the RI Solidarity Fund. There is also a local bail fund by The Fang Collective that is especially critical during these times.

We are grateful to South Providence Neighborhood Association for speaking out and calling us to action, and we join them in vocalizing our condemnation and anger. As SPNA has done, we call on our fellow neighborhood associations and local leaders to speak out in protest of systemic racism and in support of our black communities.

In solidarity,
West Broadway Neighborhood Association